Local Institute.
A local Institute will be held at Belleview, Saturday, February 28th, 1891. The morning session will open at 10, A. M. Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Gearhart. Welcom, Mary Spare. What is teaching? T. T. Millen, Mattie Breakey and D. R. Morrison. Methods of teaching history, H. R=B. Bush, Mr. Geist and Ed. Johns. Are monthly examinations advisable? Clel Brown, Charlie Fitzsimmons and Mr. Kyle.
The afternoon session will open at 3:00, P. M. Should the State furnish the text books? Prof. Hughs, Mr. Gourley and William Breakey. How to teach spelling and reading to pupils in primary grades, Etta McGarey, Mr. Kunselman and Melvil Millen. To what extent should civil government be taught in our schools, Emma Campbell, Mr. Shannon and Claud Hawthorn. In what way can parents benefit the schools, Jos. McFarland, Ed. Reitz and Hugh Millen. What are the advantages of the diagram system, and what is the aim in teaching arithmetic, Silas Mohney, Lizzie Hill, Mrs. Agnes Ohls and G. W. Baughman. The exercises will be interspersed with music and declamations. COMMITTEE.
[Brookville Republican (Brookville, Pennsylvania) 11 Feb 1891, Wed, Page 3]
Baxter Lad Heads Warner Bros. Kiddie Club;
Many Children Join
Approximately 150 of the 250 members of the Columbia Chapter, Warner Brothers Kiddie Club, organized last Saturday, listened to Prof. John Biery, principal of the high school, outline the objects of the club and the aims of its sponsors. Prof. Biery pointed to the educational as well as the enjoyable angles of the club and asked the members to so conduct themselves so that they will grow to be useful membrs of society and worthwhile citizens of the community.
Arthur G. McCray of Baxter was elected president of the club and Charles Battaglia was named vice president. The sergeant-at-arms and secretary will be elected at the meeting to tbe held next Saturday at 12:30 after the address by G. L. Shannon, physical director of the Y. M. C. A. who will talk to the club members about physical education.
Youngsters between the ages of four and twelve may join the club at any meeting. Birthday parties will be held on the stage of the Columbia and picnics and outings are being planned for the late spring and summer months.
The members of the club to date are:
Pat Arthurs, Junior Allshouse, Betty Barnett, Harvey Battaglia, Paul Battaglia, Norma Beuchner, Paul Booser, Billy Bowser, Betty Brenneman, Richard Brinkley, Evelyn Buechner, Arthur Brenneman, Jane Buzzard, Louse Baughman, Jean Marie Baughman, Charles Battaglia, Lester Black, Martha Brosius, Joine Broadhead, Henry Brehm, Dorothy Brinkley, Dorothy Brown.
Nell Clark, Donald Leroy Childs, Frederick Cooley, Ruth Clark, Margaret Cooley, Jean Covert, Margaret Crawford, Emogene Carr, Fred Cochran, Charles Carr, Anna Cyphert, Richard Childs, Nora Bell Deibler, James Dillman, Jessie Deemer, Carolyn Dillman, Edith Dillman, Charles Deemer, Ruth Dillman, David Duncan, Verl Dunmire, Max Deibler.
Ralph Emery, John Edwards, James Eberline, Mildred Emery, Harry Edeburn, Katherin Evans, Charles Evans, Russell Ferraro, Eugene Foulks, Bobby Fuller, David Fuller, Vincent Ferraro, Robert Fox, Arvella Grinell, Marie Galbraith, Velma Galbraith, Dale Gilbert, Virginia Galbraith, Donald Hetrick, Betty Jane Hines, Joseph Hines, Margaret Huber, Doris Hulings, Thomas Henderson, Betty Hidinger, Homer Henderson, Mazie Henderson.
Gwenda Ingersoll, Eloise Ingersoll, William Jakeway, Allen Kahn, Billy Kelso, Mary Kroh, Robert Klein, Donald Law, Eleanor Leach, Robert Lowry, James McManigle, Robert McManigle, Dorothy McManigle, Ethel McCracken, Marcella McAdoo, James McAdoo, Goerge McAninch, Richard McManigle, Arthur G. McCray, Jerome McMurray, Imogene McAninch, Betty Moore, Imogene Markle, Claire Markle, Jack Mays, Sarah Manners, Billy Morris, James Manners, Mead Magill, Edward Montandon.
Mary Jane Ozman, Paul B. Plyler, Charles Perry, James Reed, James Ross, Ronald Riggs, Raymond Riggs, Betsy Ross, Thomas Ross, Marjorie Richards, Grant Scheafnocker, Emerson Scheafnocker, Junior Scott, Robert Scott, David Small, Donald Schuckers, Robert Shofstall, Robert Stewart, Marth Lou Scheafnocker, Robert Scott, Sydney Shields, Anna Smith, Richard Steward, George Small, Woodrow Stahlman, Earle Thompson, Frank Thompson, Mary Thomas, Betty Thomas, Harold Trainster, Charles Thomas, Harold Traister, Charles Thomas, Florence Teacher, Junior Verstine, Patsy Verstine, William Varner, Jack Vanler, Audrey Vanleer, Pauline VanKennen, Robert Wells, Francis Wontenay, Thomas Warner, Clarence Wachob, Teddy Wachob, Ruth Wachob.
[The Jeffersonian-Democrat (Brookville, Pennsylvania) 26 Mar 1931, Thu, Page 2]
Many Children Join
Approximately 150 of the 250 members of the Columbia Chapter, Warner Brothers Kiddie Club, organized last Saturday, listened to Prof. John Biery, principal of the high school, outline the objects of the club and the aims of its sponsors. Prof. Biery pointed to the educational as well as the enjoyable angles of the club and asked the members to so conduct themselves so that they will grow to be useful membrs of society and worthwhile citizens of the community.
Arthur G. McCray of Baxter was elected president of the club and Charles Battaglia was named vice president. The sergeant-at-arms and secretary will be elected at the meeting to tbe held next Saturday at 12:30 after the address by G. L. Shannon, physical director of the Y. M. C. A. who will talk to the club members about physical education.
Youngsters between the ages of four and twelve may join the club at any meeting. Birthday parties will be held on the stage of the Columbia and picnics and outings are being planned for the late spring and summer months.
The members of the club to date are:
Pat Arthurs, Junior Allshouse, Betty Barnett, Harvey Battaglia, Paul Battaglia, Norma Beuchner, Paul Booser, Billy Bowser, Betty Brenneman, Richard Brinkley, Evelyn Buechner, Arthur Brenneman, Jane Buzzard, Louse Baughman, Jean Marie Baughman, Charles Battaglia, Lester Black, Martha Brosius, Joine Broadhead, Henry Brehm, Dorothy Brinkley, Dorothy Brown.
Nell Clark, Donald Leroy Childs, Frederick Cooley, Ruth Clark, Margaret Cooley, Jean Covert, Margaret Crawford, Emogene Carr, Fred Cochran, Charles Carr, Anna Cyphert, Richard Childs, Nora Bell Deibler, James Dillman, Jessie Deemer, Carolyn Dillman, Edith Dillman, Charles Deemer, Ruth Dillman, David Duncan, Verl Dunmire, Max Deibler.
Ralph Emery, John Edwards, James Eberline, Mildred Emery, Harry Edeburn, Katherin Evans, Charles Evans, Russell Ferraro, Eugene Foulks, Bobby Fuller, David Fuller, Vincent Ferraro, Robert Fox, Arvella Grinell, Marie Galbraith, Velma Galbraith, Dale Gilbert, Virginia Galbraith, Donald Hetrick, Betty Jane Hines, Joseph Hines, Margaret Huber, Doris Hulings, Thomas Henderson, Betty Hidinger, Homer Henderson, Mazie Henderson.
Gwenda Ingersoll, Eloise Ingersoll, William Jakeway, Allen Kahn, Billy Kelso, Mary Kroh, Robert Klein, Donald Law, Eleanor Leach, Robert Lowry, James McManigle, Robert McManigle, Dorothy McManigle, Ethel McCracken, Marcella McAdoo, James McAdoo, Goerge McAninch, Richard McManigle, Arthur G. McCray, Jerome McMurray, Imogene McAninch, Betty Moore, Imogene Markle, Claire Markle, Jack Mays, Sarah Manners, Billy Morris, James Manners, Mead Magill, Edward Montandon.
Mary Jane Ozman, Paul B. Plyler, Charles Perry, James Reed, James Ross, Ronald Riggs, Raymond Riggs, Betsy Ross, Thomas Ross, Marjorie Richards, Grant Scheafnocker, Emerson Scheafnocker, Junior Scott, Robert Scott, David Small, Donald Schuckers, Robert Shofstall, Robert Stewart, Marth Lou Scheafnocker, Robert Scott, Sydney Shields, Anna Smith, Richard Steward, George Small, Woodrow Stahlman, Earle Thompson, Frank Thompson, Mary Thomas, Betty Thomas, Harold Trainster, Charles Thomas, Harold Traister, Charles Thomas, Florence Teacher, Junior Verstine, Patsy Verstine, William Varner, Jack Vanler, Audrey Vanleer, Pauline VanKennen, Robert Wells, Francis Wontenay, Thomas Warner, Clarence Wachob, Teddy Wachob, Ruth Wachob.
[The Jeffersonian-Democrat (Brookville, Pennsylvania) 26 Mar 1931, Thu, Page 2]